The internet is becoming the

Town Square

for the global village of tomorrow.

– Bill Gates –


“Software is eating the world”, as Marc Andreessen, co-founder of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, published in an essay in The Wall Street Journal in 2011. And he was  right. Lines of code are revamping industry dynamics, generating fresh revenue streams and optimising value chains within and across companies. While disruption accelerates given wider cloud adoption. M2-D2 is your perfect partner for grasping the benefits of digital business.


Data is a precious business asset. Data is the new gold, but only if you know where to look. M2-D2 helps companies locate, identify and leverage their data through modelling, collection, integration, analytics, visualisation and the enablement of API-based data services. As Ronald Coase, the Noble Prize winning British economist and Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, once said: “Torture is data, and it will confess to anything.”

There's a world of Digital Adventure Out There!

In the autumn of 2021, a couple of veterans in the IT world put their heads together. They had all made their mark in designing, building and operating web-enabled IT systems at various large organisations, but all felt that their strengths were limited by complex organisational structures, compelling governance processes and strongly financially driven budget cycles.

They decided to join forces and create a new company that manages the paradox between creatitivity and control, between working hard, playing hard and having a lot of fun.

M2-D2 was born!

Before the company was formally started, they started to hire young talent, ranging from designers, front-enders and back-enders with various backgrounds in technology and customer industries were brought into the company to create an optimal balance between innovation and stability.

2022 Was the first full year of the existence of M2-D2 in which we started to focus on webshops, application programming interfaces, data-driven custom developments, the world of radio stations and NFTs. In 2023, we continued building our webshop expertise and we added capabilities with regard to lead generation for sustainability propositions, questionnaire management using our own -developed, multi-website travel business and we started to work on Yarvin, our AI-enabled chat assistant offering. In 2024, we are confident to continue to show the world what online business is all about!