
“Software is eating the world”, as Marc Andreessen, co-founder of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, published in an essay in The Wall Street Journal in 2011. And he was  right. Lines of code are revamping industry dynamics, generating fresh revenue streams and optimising value chains within and across companies. While disruption accelerates given wider cloud adoption. M2-D2 is your perfect partner for grasping the benefits of digital business.


Data is a precious business asset. Data is the new gold, but only if you know where to look. M2-D2 helps organizations locate, identify and leverage their data through modelling, collection and database integration, and discover the value in that data through analytics, visualisation and the enablement of API-based data services. As Ronald Coase, the Noble Prize winning British economist and Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, once said: “Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.”

Agility Speed to market and risk migration

Agile software development breaks the overall work to be done into small increments that minimise the amount of up-front planning and design. Iterations, or sprints, are short time frames (timeboxes) that typically last from one to four weeks. Each iteration involves a cross-functional team working in all functions: planning, analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and acceptance testing. At the end of the iteration a working product is demonstrated to stakeholders. This minimises overall risk and allows the product to adapt to changes quickly. An iteration might not add enough functionality to warrant a market release, but the goal is to have an available release at the end of each iteration. A key advantage of agile software development is speed to market and risk mitigation. Smaller increments are typically released to market reducing the time and cost risk of engineering a product that doesn’t meet user requirements.

UX/UI Design

The UX/UI design of an application improves the user experience and satisfaction which ultimately helps increase the number of users of your application, the number of visitors of your webplatform and the number of buyers in your webshop. We design the optimal user experience for your audience, taking the latest design trends into account.

Software Development

Your requirements are captured and translated into a functional design and solution architecture which are key for developing a technical architecture with a back-end system that executes your business logic and leverages API-enabled integrations wit 3rd parties. Software Development is a science as well as an art, coding is a mission, and we at M2-D2 simply love it!

System operations

In a 7×24 economy, you need someone to take care of the availability, responsiveness and performance of your web platform. Trust from users is something that takes time to nurture and is lost in the wink of an eye if your platform goes down. That’s why our devops teams have an “always on” mentality, using automation and human skills to make sure you deliver your users the experience they deserve.

Online Marketing

Your website or -shop has the perfect design, offers great products and services, but… it’s one of the best hidden secrets of the online world. In other words: great platform, zero business. That’s why we speicalise in both the technical side of online marketing as well as the commercial aspects of attracting, seducing and securing customers, via SEO, SEA, content and social media marketing.

References We don’t brag but we’re simply proud of our work

Data Modelling
& Management

Based on the automated insights into the available data sources within your organisation, we validate the quality and integrity of your data while processing reconciliations. We setup data dictionaries so that users can interpret and understand the data. We model the data for various use cases using conceptual, logical, technical and semantical models…

Business Intelligence
& Data Analytics

Collecting data from various internal and external sources such as business applications, third party datasets, data mining, operational data from sensors, etc. requires all kinds of system integrations. We store your data in different data layers for various purposes (datalakes, data warehouses, semantical models, etc.) Leveraging the Microsoft Power platform…

Data API

For analytics purposes, companies need data that can enrich and/or improve their own datasets. Think of customer master data, marketing data, credit rating data, exchange rates, vehicle data, geo spatial data etc. We enable companies to leverage data from other, external sources, and we build data services for customers that wish to offer REST API-enabled data…

AI & Machine

Artificial Intelligence is the capability of a computer system to mimic human cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving. Machine learning is an application of AI which uses mathematical models of data to help a computer learn without direct instruction. Machine learning plays an especially important role in the field of predictive analytics…

News is only the first rough draft of history Nevertheless we love to tell you about our expertise