It’s the colours, stupid! (Part 3)

In the first part of this blog series, we explained how the color wheel works, based on 12 main colors and the different colour hues, tints, tones and shades. For those who missed this blog, see In part two of this blog series, we discussed seven common color schemes,. Including some pros and cons […]
It’s the colours, stupid! (Part 2)

In the previous part of this blog series, we explained how the colour wheel works, based on 12 main colours and the different colour hues, tints, tones and shades. For those who missed this blog, see In this blog we will elaborate on seven common colour schemes. When selecting colours for a colour scheme, […]
It’s the colours, stupid! (Part 1)

One of the most powerful tools available to graphic designers: colour! Colour is an essential component that can set the tone, convey emotions, and even affect the viewer’s behaviour. The study of colour theory helps creative artists across different callings make informed choices about using colour effectively: in websites, packaging, logos, prints and interiors. In […]